- be one's age
- быть одного возраста с кем-то
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
act one's age — phrasal or be one s age : to behave in a reasonable manner * * * act (or be) one s age [usu. in imperative] behave in a manner appropriate to someone of one s age and not to someone much younger Act your age is not advice to behave like an… … Useful english dictionary
act\ one's\ age — • act one s age • be one s age v. phr. To do the things that people expect someone of your age to do, not act as if you were much younger than you are. Mr. O Brien was playing tag with the children at the party. then Mrs. O Brien said, Henry! Act … Словарь американских идиом
be\ one's\ age — • act one s age • be one s age v. phr. To do the things that people expect someone of your age to do, not act as if you were much younger than you are. Mr. O Brien was playing tag with the children at the party. then Mrs. O Brien said, Henry! Act … Словарь американских идиом
act one's age — ► act (or be) one s age behave in a manner appropriate to someone of one s age. Main Entry: ↑age … English terms dictionary
be one's age — ► act (or be) one s age behave in a manner appropriate to someone of one s age. Main Entry: ↑age … English terms dictionary
act one's age — or[be one s age] {v. phr.} To do the things that people expect someone of your age to do, not act as if you were much younger than you are. * /Mr. O Brien was playing tag with the children at the party. Then Mrs. O Brien said, Henry! Act your… … Dictionary of American idioms
act one's age — or[be one s age] {v. phr.} To do the things that people expect someone of your age to do, not act as if you were much younger than you are. * /Mr. O Brien was playing tag with the children at the party. Then Mrs. O Brien said, Henry! Act your… … Dictionary of American idioms
be one's age — See: ACT ONE S AGE … Dictionary of American idioms
be one's age — See: ACT ONE S AGE … Dictionary of American idioms
be one's age — phrasal see act one s age … Useful english dictionary
act (or be) one's age — behave in a manner appropriate to someone of one s age. → age … English new terms dictionary